- The game is played with a deck of 52 cards from “Two” to “Ace”.
- Each player plays against the casino, represented by the dealer.
- The game is played on a maximum of 6 boxes.
- To start the game, the players place bets called “ANTE”, after which the dealer deals two cards to each player and himself.
- Then the dealer deals three cards “open” into the middle of the table as a “draw”.
- The cards in the “stock” are considered community cards because both the players and the dealer use these cards to build their combinations.
- After the distribution you need to make a decision:
- Don’t play (discard both cards and “ANTE”)
- Continue the game by placing a “BET” equal to two “ANTE” bets
- Next, the dealer adds two more cards to the three “buy-in” cards and opens his two closed cards.
- The goal of each player is to collect the maximum combination of five cards using seven cards (five “buy-in” cards and two of their own).
- All the resulting combinations of players are compared with the combination of the dealer.
- The dealer plays if he has a combination of “Pair of Fours” or better.
- If the dealer does not have a game, all “ANTE” bets are paid according to the payout table, and “BET” bets are not paid.
- If the dealer has a game, all winning “ANTE” bets are paid according to the payout table, and “BET” bets are paid “1:1”.
- If the player’s combination is lower than the dealer’s combination, the player’s “ANTE” and “BET” bets lose.
- In the event that the dealer has the same combination as the player, the winner is determined by the next highest card.
- If the player and the dealer have absolutely identical combinations, a “Stand-off” is declared (only five cards are taken into account).
- The game is played within the established minimum and maximum bets on boxing.
- Each table contains information about the bet size.
- When starting the game, the player accepts the rules and the default bet size. If the guest wishes, the dealer will familiarize him with the rules before the game starts.
- The sum of the payout “ANTE” + “BET” for one box cannot exceed the established maximum payout (Max Payout) of this table.
- The cards must remain in the dealer’s line of sight at all times and must not be removed from the table under any circumstances.
- Players are not allowed to exchange information about cards.
- A player’s card turned over is not grounds for a redeal.
- A re-deal of cards occurs if at least one of the players receives an incorrect number of cards.
- A re-deal is not grounds for payment of the “ANTE”.
- Bets on credit and in cash are not accepted.
From a Pair of Fours to a Pair of Aces | 1:1 |
Two Pairs | 1:1 |
Three of Kind | 1:1 |
Straight | 1:1 |
Flush | 2:1 |
Full House | 3:1 |
Four of Kind | 10:1 |
Straight Flush | 20:1 |
Royal Flush | 100:1 |
The croupier will answer all your questions regarding the game.
In case of any controversial situations, the management decision is final.